Eva Weaver - Mermaids Calling. The artist walked from Penzance station to the Pool, changing from a City Woman into a mermaid along the way.

Deep Blue by milgram , a site-responsive sound performance; mixing audio recorded from the site with samples made from the moves in the first chess game where a computer beat a reigning world champion.

Matt Hawthorn - Shanty (various inscriptions of objects) in this section he had small model boats in an umbrella and asked the public to throw them in the sea

Sarah Jane Pell performed Hydrophilia on the South Pier, Wharf Road, Penzance.
Her plastic helmet was filled with saline by an assistant who communicated with her in diving signs, and the trust between them was one of the most interesting things about the performance.
She breathed through a tube, making imploring movements and filling small bottles, and the endurance of trying not to drown herself, while freezing in the rain.

For larger images visit my My Flickr Page
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