Wasn't really sure what to expect, and when we arrived all we saw were blank walls ready for doodling on

A few of the invited Graffiti Artists got going, don't know them all, but think that's Sri in the middle and Teck doing the rabbit

This is Ian Stevenson, signing autographs perhaps, I like the way him and the girl are mirrored in his drawings behind them

Later Jon Burgerman and Pete Fowler had a Secret Wars All Stars draw off battle

This was great, I'm a big fan of battles of skill, and they were obviously mates who respected each other's stuff. They got awarded wrestling belts and auctioned their work for the NSPCC

Human Beatbox for half time entertainment

Chu stickers were left on the floor. Remember seeing this guys stuff all over, especially when I worked in Walsall

The main nonpermanent event was guys drawing on whiteboards and then wiping it off and starting again

But this was a bit overshadowed by the organisers giving out pens and letting us all draw everywhere. The ladies from Clutter Magazine had started early, but by the end people were covering every available space

It was difficult to tell who was an invited artist and who was audience, as lots of people were skilled at that style of drawing, but after all the spaces were filled up it started to look a bit of a mess

Some of my efforts, I drew round the blobs of paint and bricks on a wall and apologised to whoever was cleaning up for all the mess we'd made

So what have we learnt? Well at bad points of the evening I felt like I was trapped in a Youth Club version of Nathan Barley, but there was some really good work as well, not what people might think of as my usual taste, but I have a secret liking for Cute/Dark illustrations as anyone who's seen my in my Gloomy Bear T-Shirt will know.
Similarly, I was torn about us being asked to draw on the walls, that kind of controlled anarchy can be a bit lame, but there was still an orgiatic Carnivalesque buzz to it, unless that was just all the free Tiger beer I'd had.
Larger pics at my Flickr page
Here are more links, gleaned from walls, flyers, goodie bag etc.:
*Secret Wars
*Jon Burgerman's Site
*Ian Stevenson's Site
*Un-Plugged Sticker Project
*Chu's Site
*Nook Retro Products
*Fawn Gehweiler's Illustrations
*Emma's Illustrations
*Cromatics Badges, Stickers etc.
*Munny Shot Toys
*Matt Jones' Illustration & Products
*Elana Mullaly Illustrations
*Tamar Moshkovitz' Illustrations
*Kenn Munk's Designs
*Cutterskink Graffiti Art & Products
*Fusshop Products
*Perpexcity Puzzles
*Plushood Toys
*Devout Dolls
Phew, what a lot of product
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