It was curated by Mark McGowan with works from Brian Catling, the Centre of Attention, JJ Charlesworth, Sacha Craddock, Richard Dedomenici, Sarah Doyle, TheFucks, Marcia Farqhuar, Andrew Hunt, Mark McGowan, Harry Pye, Will Self, Bob and Roberta Smith, Stella Vine, Jessica Voorsanger.
The main draw of the show was Mark McGowan supposedly eating a swan, as a protest against the Queen (all his work courts the media, trying to be provocative and essentially making video art using their technology)

The rest of the 'swan' was offered to the audience, they could have some marmalade with it too

There were plenty more art offerings, exploring the title of the show in different ways. Smashed pot held together with sellotape and Centre of Attention's floral tribute

Flag made by Andy Hunt, based on a real flag he took a photo of at a Luton football match. He got the flag for free after the World Cup, apparently. Also a video by the guy dressed as a dog called 'Peanut Buddha', note Slade poster in background

Other stuff down in the basement, like this little Cyclops painting hidden in an alcove, a pinball machine covered in cut outs from magazines

Will Self was doing some kind of counselling, didn't get close enough to hear what it was all about as he was very popular

Another one of Mark's celebrity friends is Bob and Roberta Smith, who included some paintings and possibly a sign over the door that said this was the best gallery in the world

This guy was great, he tried to introduce himself to us a few times, but I've forgotten his name. He had a dog's head too. A costume one, not a real one or anything.

Another thing Andy Hunt did was give an old painting he did when he was 17, and it was shown along with a letter of explanation

Mark McGowan's site
There's usually plenty of press about his stuff, here's some I found online from Friday Cities and Times Online
And, if you want larger versions of pictures go to our Flickr page
NEW: One of the artists, Sarah Doyle, has some photos of the show on her Flickr page about So Sad
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