Human mortal males and females of the 21st century
Welcome to the netherplace
Welcome to the nowhere time
Welcome to the wizard wars

The Observomancer greets us

Baron Skellington and Beedork watched by The Observomancer

Beedork and Baron Skellington are introduced by the Observomancer

Beedork and Baron Skellington getting down

Beedork dancing

Jemimah Ghostlips holds aloft the Chalice of Rombok

Jemimah Ghostlips holds aloft the Chalice of Rombok watched by Baron Skellington and Beedork

Jemimah Ghostlips admires the Chalice of Rombok

Jemimah Ghostlips is distracted by Beedork's crazy mutant dance

while Baron Skellington sneaks behind her

However, Jemimah Ghostlips rebuffs Baron Skellington

and prepares to unleash her imaginary lions

You loved it, didn't you?
For larger versions visit My Flickr page
Visit Lucy's YouTube page for
Part One and
Part Two
What on earth is going on here..? Looks interesting!
It is the heady collision of a.a.s. and - a mimed proto-ballet in an inflatable pink house.
Hope that clears it up...
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